A Second Meeting; Another Step Towards the West
Preparing Ourselves to Live In Oregon
Meeting Minutes: January 26th, 1846
Sylvester Sidcott's Barn, 2:00pm
Present: President Sylvester Sidcott; Vice President Fisher Jones; Secretary of Defense Henry Plimpton; Just Secretary Jebediah Gunstra
Absent: none
Meeting is called to order at 2:00 pm by President Sidcott
Last week's meeting minutes were amended and approved
Committee to Jefferson City Report provided by chair, Fisher Jones
- Jones moved that he should be sent to Jefferson City to gather supplies on the grounds that he does not have a real job. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
- Jones explained the trip would take place later towards the end of March.
- A draft list of supplies was compiled and is as follows:
-200 lbs. of flour per family
-150 lbs. of bacon per family
-40 lbs. of coffee
-80 lbs. of sugar
-40 lbs. of salt
- 1000 rounds of ammunition
-60 lbs. of gunpowder
Other business:
- President Sidcott commented on the difficulty of one man transporting so many supplies and moved that he accompany Mr. Jones. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
- Vice President Jones moved that we have badges for all our members. Motion carried by a three fourths majority vote.
- President Sidcott appointed Secretary Gunstra to make the badges and Vice President Jones to design them.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm
Minutes submitted by secretary, Jebediah Gunstra
Meeting Minutes: January 26th, 1846
Sylvester Sidcott's Barn, 2:00pm
Present: President Sylvester Sidcott; Vice President Fisher Jones; Secretary of Defense Henry Plimpton; Just Secretary Jebediah Gunstra
Absent: none
Meeting is called to order at 2:00 pm by President Sidcott
Last week's meeting minutes were amended and approved
Committee to Jefferson City Report provided by chair, Fisher Jones
- Jones moved that he should be sent to Jefferson City to gather supplies on the grounds that he does not have a real job. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
- Jones explained the trip would take place later towards the end of March.
- A draft list of supplies was compiled and is as follows:
-200 lbs. of flour per family
-150 lbs. of bacon per family
-40 lbs. of coffee
-80 lbs. of sugar
-40 lbs. of salt
- 1000 rounds of ammunition
-60 lbs. of gunpowder
Other business:
- President Sidcott commented on the difficulty of one man transporting so many supplies and moved that he accompany Mr. Jones. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
- Vice President Jones moved that we have badges for all our members. Motion carried by a three fourths majority vote.
- President Sidcott appointed Secretary Gunstra to make the badges and Vice President Jones to design them.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm
Minutes submitted by secretary, Jebediah Gunstra