Tuesday, March 28

POLIO Spreads

Today Fisher requested that we hold a special meeting of POLIO, in order to officially vote in Rick Tavvi as a member and our trail boss. Not one of us was opposed to this idea so we met for dinner at Sylvester's home. Since Dorcas's departure, he has seemed to change considerably. He has dubbed his home "Lair of the Unfettered Gentleman" and has been spending an awful lot of time at the saloon. He has been heard to say that Dorcas leaving him has been a "blessing" and the "chance for a fresh start" and a "miraculous healing from a chronic and debilatating disease". He is also growing a mustache. I'm a little concerned for him. It is more clear than ever that he needs a woman out West. Me and Fisher are even more anxious now to hear from Sam Sherman.
The meeting was a great success. We unanimously voted Rick a member of POLIO and our trail boss. We then had a dinner which Fisher brought over from home. (He had Lem make extra food to leave with Sylvester.) After dinner Rick told a riveting Indian tale. Unfortunately my mind was unclear due to Sylvester's home brew, and I do not have the memory to recall it here. I may ask him to retell it at a later time.


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