Wednesday, December 21

The Building Anticipation of Yuletime

Winter continues on. There is still plenty of snow on the ground, and the almanac's outlook does not look entirely hopeful. One blessing we will surely be thankful for is a white Christmas. However, Abigail and I are both anxiosly awaiting gifts we have ordered through the general store nearly a month ago. I'm sure they have come in, but it hasn't been possible to get into town yet. It hasn't snowed in 4 days though, and I feel confident thatI'll be able to get through tomorrow. We both hope the children will be happy with the gifts we've gotten for them. I am also excited about the gift I have gotten for Abby. I will not write it down here until after Christmas arrives to ensure that peering eyes do not discover what is in store.
Apart from the Christmas preparations, there is little to be done around the house. There are the usual chores, but as long as the weather continues as it has we are for the most part still confined to the indoors. With the anxiousness that always accompanies a day like Christmas, the week before Yuletide can be a very anxious one.


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